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We are happy to announce the release of our new plugin on the official WP repository: WordPress Website Monitoring.

You can download the plugin here:

How is it Working?

Once activated your website is automatically added to our monitoring system. Thus each 5 minutes our robot will crawl your website.

If your website is down you will receive an email and once your website is back you will receive a new email.

Why is that Different from Other Solutions?

All others existing solutions are really great, we used to use Uptime Robot, or JetPack for exemple. The only thing we don’t like about that solutions, is you have to login to your account or create one if you don’t have one.

Our mantra is simplicity. For every product we launch, we’re trying to keep it simple. With WordPress Website Monitoring, simply enable the plugin and that’s all 🙂

Under the setting page, you can change the email.

What’s Next?

For now, the functionalities and options are basics : only email notification. We are planning to add twitter notification, stats, etc.

We would be very to hear your suggestions about new features !
By the way, this service is totally free.

Comment (1)

Nice, will try it out. I kinda like the simplicity of your plugins

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