Table of Contents

WP Rocket’s mission is to help you achieve faster websites and better experiences for your visitors. Over the past months, we’ve been working to provide that same care to our users. With our engines fired up, design, development, and support teams on board, our redesigned interface was specially crafted for you.

In WP Rocket 3.0, the new interface is aimed to improve your configuration experience by helping you achieve awesome site performance quicker, easier and more informed.

Ready for a tour? Let’s go ?

Designed for Your Greatness

It was certainly time to give our classic interface a cleaner, more modern and usable design. With in-depth UX research and expert UI and visual design, we’ve created an experience worthy of your efforts to stay at the top.

Our sleek new look, thoughtful architecture, and clearly-defined options promises to provide a more seamless and understandable optimization experience.

The Dashboard: Your Personal Homebase

Everyone has to start somewhere and your new Dashboard is exactly where you’d want to begin.

You’ll be able to access your account information with relevant information about your current license. You can also update your status by becoming a Rocket Tester in our Beta Tester Program or opt in to Rocket Analytics to help us continue to improve WP Rocket.

Quick Actions are easy to access useful activities, like cache clearing and preloading, that you can launch directly from this control area. There is more to explore in this personalized space, so please make yourself at home.

Everything in Order

As our available options evolved over the years, the UI started to become more complex than we’d like. We value simplicity, so we conducted research and evaluation to find out how we can better organize and improve the user experience of our settings. This lead to changes you’ll notice in the new interface. Most notably:

  • The Basic options are now found on the new Cache and Media tabs respectively to provide a clear organization for each type of optimization.
  • The Static Files options are on the renamed File Optimization tab.

  • Varnish and Cloudflare integrations are part of our new Rocket Add-ons system to better fit their complementary functions.

  • We’ve integrated descriptions, tips and alerts to provide better understanding and context to what our options do.

Need Help? We’re Your Co-Pilot

We’ve been told our support sets us apart from many others. From our customer support Rocketeers to our documentation, we endeavor to give you the best help and advice we can. We’ve taken it to the next level by integrating several support features directly in the new interface powered by HelpScout.

In nearly every section, you’ll see a “Need Help?” icon. Once clicked, it will launch our integration of suggested documentation around the option you are configuring.

When you click on the document link, the full text appears directly in the plugin, so you can continue configuration seamlessly.

If you need direct support, you can contact our team by clicking the “send a message”  button at the bottom right.

Please note that if you use an ad blocker, you will need to whitelist your website domain or disable it to take advantage of our support integration.

Changes Behind the Scenes

Along with these new enhancements to our interface, we’ve also made some changes that may not be obvious.

We’re proud to announce our partnership with Kinsta Managed WordPress Hosting.  You can now use WP Rocket on their impressive platform without any special configuration necessary. We’re automatically compatible and happy to team up with them to help make the web a faster place.

What We Removed

To take WP Rocket to the next level and stay true to our values of simplicity and support, we had to make some tough decisions on not only what to add, but also what to remove from this new version.

In previous versions, we’ve had a White Label option. In 3.0, that option will no longer be available.

We’ve also removed a few lesser used options such as adjusting the sitemap crawl interval, SSL cache (automatically applied), and CDN without SSL from the new interface.

New Requirements

In WP Rocket 3.0, PHP 5.4 and WordPress 4.2 are minimum requirements. Similar to the change in our last major version, to improve compatibilities and the maintenance of the plugin, maintaining the plugin for older versions is not sustainable.

That’s all for this recap. Are you ready to explore this new version? Update from your plugin dashboard or check out our licenses if you have yet to join our crew. We’re happy to hear your feedback and answer any questions, so submit a message through the plugin, from our website, or in the comments below. Enjoy the new experience!

Comments (28)

I have a site on Kinsta and installed the new version and promptly broke my site.
Kinsta techs knew exactly what had happened and had it fixed within a few minutes but said they will be releasing a new version of their own Kinsta Cache in the next few days so hold off updating if you are on Kinsta until that happens.

It caused the generic 500 internal server error by the way.


Why did you remove the white label feature?

Not happy with the changes.
I use the white label option so this is a step back for me.

Good luck with the changes anyway!

Nice Update and new interface.
Thanks you, Rocket!

Hi, I updated my WP this morning and it broke my site. I use Siteground hosting. Just curious if you have heard this from anyone else.


Awesome release guys :)
Deploying it to multiple websites as we speak.

On a sidenote; it is not being pushed by WP itself yet for some reason it seems.

Cool stuff! I wondered when the interface would be more in-line with what Imagify offers. This looks great!

Awesome update, Thank you team!

We are one of the 1% using the White-Label-Feature and pretty disappointed, that this feature was removed.

Apart from that we dont like Plugins implementing their own specific design. We dont think that it is helpful for our customers if every plugin implements their own design.

I think we will search for a plugin that suits our needs more like 2.x...

I am a return customer after leave it for about 2 years. Very happy with this! Performance Good, UI Good, User Friendly Good. Happy to come back. Keep up the good work.

Hi! very good application and now much more modern, congratulations!

I was searching for a plugin to improve page speed after Google's new update and seems found the best.


Thanks for this new update . I hope if we can pay to install and configure by your company . I don not have an experience to install and configure it !

Best Regards

Oh no! I was such a fan of WP Rocket. This overt branding and removal of white labeling does not leave me feeling valued at all.

So I'm also one of the 1% that also purchased an Infinite license, whereas; the software does extremely well, the White Label was a vital feature for our needs. Thus now we are being forced into ripping out your non White Label design UI and then having to hand compare changes as they happen.

Also note: for future clients, they will have ZERO access to the module to prevent more issues. By deciding to remove the Pain in Your Ass White Label you make it a little harder for us to keep the client from looking for ways to solve their own issues, thus making things take more time. Hence why white label KISS is better than a FULL PAGE AD Look at my shinny new products. Less is more, why show a client that you are using, as long as it's supported well, they will not care, but by showing the client all the tools, sometime they cause more issues, that do not even need solved.

But I will say the app works really well and we tried / purchased them all, so that's the trade off I guess. Maybe consider putting the Pain in Your Ass White Label feature back in place, it's really not that hard, I have been at this for 25 years, so nothing is that hard. :) All the best and keep up the great work.


We are another one of those that were using the white label feature, is it really that bad to maintain?

This is going to be a pain for us and already alternatives have been mentioned by the team here.

I see that they are reluctant to change and think they know better than customers. They choose (what they believe is good) layout over happy customers..
This settles it for me, will stop renewing licenses for both Imagify and Rocket and go for alternatives, against my will.

I am among 1% percent of people who use the White Label and I will move to another plugin.

WP Rocket is a caching and performance optimization plugin to improve the loading speed of WordPress. Thank You Team!

Hello, I use dooplay theme can i use wp-rocket on wordpress with this theme.

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