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Today we are releasing our 2018 Year In Review, highlighting the top moments of a successful and lively year at WP Rocket.

WP Rocket’s 2018 in numbers

2018 was a eventful year for us: not only we celebrated our fifth anniversary, but so many other things happened!

Here comes an infographic summarizing our 2018 milestones:

WP Rocket 2018 Year in Review

New Customers, New Websites, Total Revenue

We closed 2018 with 26,888 new customers: almost 5K customers more than 2017!
In terms of orders, we had 29,218 new WP Rocket licenses, where 83% of them were Single. As a whole, we sold 6K more licenses than 2017!

These amazing new Rocketeers sent on orbit 304K new sites, woah!
This means that, at the moment, more than 610K websites in the world are boosted by WP Rocket. ?

Finally, the total revenue generated last year by WP Rocket amount to $2,620,360 ?

New Releases

In the past 12 months WP Rocket developers were restless!
We released:

  • 3 new major releases
  • 23 minor updates

The biggest release was WP Rocket 3.0, launched in April, which introduced a radical revamp of our classic interface: our designers worked at a cleaner, more modern and usable design for the new Dashboard.

For a glimpse of what happened behind the scenes of 3.0, check out our blog post WP Rocket 3.0: Inside Mission Control.

wp rocket 3.0 announcement

Version 3.1 was launched in August, and it was dedicated to the introduction of a number of features, such as the one-click Google Tracking add-on, a new minify and combine JS feature and the optimization of WooCommerce’s get refreshed fragments.
All the details are outlined in our 3.1 blog post.

Version 3.2 is the most recent, launched at the beginning of November: it included a shiny new Preload system, the new Facebook Pixel and Sucuri Add-on, and a new tab dedicated to Heartbeat control, among other cool stuff.
You can read about the rest of the features in our dedicated blog post.
These releases were a true team effort: our developers, product manager and the support team did an amazing job to keep up with the changes and answer all our customers questions!

A New Affiliate Program

2018 was also the year that saw the official launch of our Affiliate Program, thanks to the work of Alexis.

As a result, the number of WP Rocket affiliates grew from 100 to 1,150!
Thanks to the program, we could pay around $50,000 in commissions to our affiliates: if you want to join them this year, you can apply from here.

The people behind WP Rocket

During 2018, WP Rocket team lived a good deal of changes, and the year closed with 16 people working behind the scenes of the product.

Three people joined WP Rocket to cover brand new job positions and bring their invaluable expertise: Alexis as Affiliate Marketing Specialist, Agathe as Marketing Director and Jared as Product Manager.

Our Support Rocketeers

A very special mention then goes to the members of our amazing Support Team! ?
At the moment, WP Rocket has 8 Support Rocketeers working from the four corners of the world (and we’re hiring!).

WP Rocket Support Team

There have been a few changes in the composition of the Support Team in the past 12 months: we had a new entry from Greece, Vasilis, and one from Poland, Piotr. They instantly showed what they’re made of, bringing their huge contribution to the rest of the team—both on a technical and human level.

Our Support Rocketeers did an incredible job during the whole year, and these numbers explain why:

  • 10,869 Customers Helped (+28% than last year)
  • 45,115 Replies Sent (+17% than last year)
  • 15,221 Tickets Solved (+29% than last year)

It’s worth mentioning that 29% of tickets were solved on first reply, and those which weren’t, needed less than 3 replies to be closed.

Our Support Rocketeers sent an average of 125 replies per day, a 17% increase compared to last year.

Even during the busiest times of the year (notably October and November), our Support Team managed to keep its reputation at the top: 89% of the ratings they received along the year were GREAT!

WP Rocket on tour: Connecting To The Community

At WP Rocket, we’re not just coding and responding to support tickets!
During 2018, we participated in a number of events around the world, sometimes as sponsors, sometimes as speakers, volunteers or contributors.

We got involved in:

What a tour! ?

We love connecting with WordPress and Web Marketing communities, so we look forward to the new events already scheduled in 2019.

Sharing Valuable Content About Web Performance Optimization

One of our goals at WP Rocket is to share our knowledge about Web Performance Optimization.
Everyday, we analyze dozens of websites dealing with slow loading times and we work hard to help people running faster sites.

But we are on a quest to make our customers aware of how they can maintain blazing fast pages and keep getting great scores from web performance tools.

To accomplish this mission, we invested a lot of time and energy on sharing good content about Web Performance Optimization on WordPress.

During 2018 we started several Content Marketing projects and improved already existing ones:

  • WP Rocket blog, where we share at least one article per week about web performance topics; a special thanks here goes to Raelene from Words By Birds and all the other bloggers that helped us creating amazing content!
  • WP Rocket Newsletter, which we send every two weeks on Thursdays. Subscribe here to receive our tips to improve the performance of your WordPress site, directly on your mailbox!
  • WP Rocket Facebook Community: last summer we decided to jump on a new project and create a Facebook community dedicated to WP Rocket users. It was a great success! At the moment we have more than 3K members: they interact with each other, share and learn tips and tricks for using WP Rocket and optimize their website. Join them here.
  • WP Rocket Social Media Channels: we also love sharing the best articles about PageSpeed, WordPress and performance optimization on Twitter and on our Facebook Page.

The top three articles of our blog for this year were:

2019: What Lies Ahead

Last year was indeed a great bunch of months for WP Rocket.
We worked very hard, welcomed new people, introduced big changes that impacted the look&feel of our product and its performance.
And we’re not going to stop!

What should you expect for 2019?

We don’t like spoiling surprises, but we’re cooking up many news that will make WP Rocket harder, better, faster, stronger (cit.).

We aim at improving our plugin and make it the top tool for front end optimization.
To reach this goal, we’re going to work even harder on compatibilities with other plugins, themes and hosting services.

You’re also going to see us more on stage, since we strongly believe in the involvement into the WordPress community.

Finally, a big thank you for following us: we deeply appreciate your ongoing support! Always feel free to send us your feedback or ask for a feature request: you know we read and answer all our emails. ?

From all of us at WP Rocket, we wish you a wonderful and successful 2019!

Comments (6)

Holy cow you all. That's tremendous growth!

Mark me down as one of those new customers in 2018 btw. Thoroughly appreciating your product lately :)

Waaah! what a growth it is. It's your hard work and the potentiality of Wp Rocket. Glad I was also one of the new customers for you and would like to continue to enjoy the service :D

what a big grow. sincerly i'm a customer since 3 years and i never been dissapointed by wp-rocket so keep doing you good and nice work team!

Thanks for the mention, Alice! It's been awesome working with WP Rocket on producing content for the blog. ?

I'd like to say thanks to the many people who've left comments on my blog posts! It's been great reading everyone's comments and knowing that the posts are helping people to learn more about WordPress performance. ?

Investing in Wp Rocket plugin is one of my best and most productive investments. Simple, affordable yet effective! Thanks team for the awesome product.

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