Table of Contents

These past few months, we’ve been hard at work. We’ve been planning an informal meetup of our European team at the WordCamp Europe, our startup retreat…and a new version of WP Rocket! We are proud to introduce WP Rocket 2.10, or as we know it internally: “la deux dix” (which is the French way of saying “the 2.10”.

Our lead developer and proud Corgi owner Remy has a few surprises in store! This new version of WP Rocket comes packed with exciting new features and some notable enhancements of existing features. Before we go any further, the entire WP Rocket team would like to thank our dedicated team of Beta testers. Their feedback is vital to help us work out some bugs.

Easy WordPress Caching

You will find a revamped settings dashboard that aims to simplify WordPress Caching setup. We’ve rethought the user interface to help our users save time. Improving the user experience is one of our top priorities. WordPress caching isn’t rocket science so we’ve made some changes to ensure that the WP Rocket’s setup would be streamlined and easier than ever before.

new UI WP Rocket 2.10 admin panel

The new UI WP Rocket 2.10 admin panel

WP Rocket And Google PageSpeed Insights

Although we’ve clearly made a case as to why you shouldn’t only rely on Google PageSpeed Insights as an indicator of your real performance, we know that for many of you, this tool is invaluable. WP Rocket 2.10 aims to help you improve the Google PageSpeed score while adding some serious performance-boosting features under the hood.

Do we guarantee everyone the perfect Google PageSpeed Insights score? No. Achieving the best load time is not something that can be done by only optimizing your website’s cache. However, we will provide you with many features that will help get you there. And with our simplified dashboard, achieving results will be a breath!

New Exciting Caching Features In The Static Files Tab

Don’t you hate it when you install a plugin, only to realize that it has caused your layout to go wonky? We don’t like it either! That’s why our team has been working on a new feature that will prevent these types of display errors. The ability to minify CSS & JavaScript files without any concatenation is a brand new feature WP Rocket 2.10 that will work to alleviate some of these pesky layout issues.

This feature will also delight those of you already taking advantage of HTTP/2, since minification without concatenation is a best practice when using that technology.

We’ve also improved your website’s ability to load deferred JavaScript to improve load times along with the ability to load CSS asynchronously everywhere. Because no one has time to wait on code to load when there are so many other things going on! We’re putting users first and letting them get to what’s important to them while letting our code work its magic in the background.

render blocking CSS and JS in WP Rocket admin

Render Blocking CSS and JS in WP Rocket admin

Many of the new features that you will find in this version of WP Rocket are located in the static files tab. Feel free to explore them! Check out our changelog if you want to find out about the rest of the improvements we’ve made to our caching plugin. And if you have any questions about this new version, please, open a ticket if you are a customer. If not, someone in our chat, a real live human that knows all about WordPress will help answer your question.

Wondering if WP Rocket is right for you?

Well, the short answer is yes. Why?

  • Because we are always working on improving WordPress caching features
  • We’re compatible with many other themes, plugins, hosting companies, CDNs. Just name it, and we’ll include it in our roadmap!
  • Support is always one click away. Speak Spanish, Italian, German, English, French? So do we! No matter if you are a WordPress novice or a total pro, we’ll take the time to answer your question and help you fix your caching issues.

Comments (50)

Really? and my site takes 7sec and more to load according to gtmetrix and pingdom

Do i need to download it from account section and then upload/replace it in the plugin folder?

Or it will ask for update automatically in the plugin page like other plugins?

I just updated and my results are as followed:

1. Pagespeed 69/86 @ 70/87

2. Pingdom B 84 load 2.03 sec @ B 84 load 2.07

3. GT matrix B 86 D 69 @ B 89 C 71

So yes, a bit better :) Thanks guys

I just tried the "Load CSS Asynchrously", unfortunately, it breaks the layout and the page clearly has a delay in loading CSS, so for now, I am just leaving it off.

Looking like a great update, looking forward to offering our clients an improved Google PageSpeed score. They all seem obsessed with it in conjunction with a consistent load-time under 4 secs! Thanks Team rocket! :)

Thanks for the update, it is a great plugin and we love it.

Great changes! Keep up the good work :)

How is your compatibility with Newspaper theme from TagDiv?

Thanks for the update. looking forward to a faster website

rolling back - breaks my site with all options off...

Amazing new features! I was able to increase our website's Google PageSpeed score by 5%. Pingdom load time is now under 1.5 seconds giving us a score of 95%. WP Rocket is by far the best caching plugin! Keep up the great work!

Does the "disable embeds" option do anything else than simply deregister the wp-embed.min.js?
I have handled that via functions.php so far.

Can't wait to try the Load CSS files asynchronously function.

Did what the other person above tried and ticked it and saw just one little area of the site break. Then after reading the 'why' section, it makes sense that you need to add the CSS code from the generator. And remember to turn off WP Rocket before generating!

Thanks for some amazing updates, and speeds already increased before I've done the CSS files thing. Waiting till daytime when I'm awake and alert trying it out!

We keep praising this plugin to our readers and have seen a lot of W3 Total Cache people converting over to this one.

Congratulations on the update. It packs some nice new features. However, for the love of god get rid of the RED 'Deactivate in case you notice any visually broken items on your website.' notice in wp-admin. After update, all I see is that my dashboard is shouting at me! I get the idea behind it but it really should be done differently. At a quick glance it appears as if though everything is wrong on the settings page...

@Goran Thanks, we appreciate your feedback!

I whole-heartedly agree with you, and so do many if not most on the WP Rocket product team. The UI you see in 2.10 is an iteration on feedback we gathered from customer support, but it will most definitely change in favour of decent onboarding and actual design in the next major release.

(Disclosure: I am a member of the WP Rocket support team and helped working on the 2.10 release.)

Our website has a great improvement in speed: 1.3 seconds to load the main page and a score of 90/100 in Google PageSpeed Insights. Thank you :)

I'm so happy with the new update! :)

The best plugin. Cheer!

Thanks for this update. We updated the plugin but did not see any effect on Google PageSpeed, Pingdom and Gemtrix. Did we have change any settings. Using the Load CSS / JS files asynchronously broke our site. How can we fix this or improve speed?

Good to read, a lot of users are happy with the new version! Unfortunately the update doesn't work for me. I run four projects with WP Rocket and it is awesome plugin. After I updated one domain with the new version (2.10.3), it is not longer possible to connect to the required IPs. Because I changed nothing else (server conf. and so on), I have no idea, why that happens. The other (older) versions are running smooth (on the same server!). I submitted a ticket last week, but there was no response so far. Perhaps I'm the only one with this? Help wouldn't go amiss.

Hey guys, any chance you could add an option to don't cache a whole category?

It would be handy to exclude a certain category with all the posts that belong to it from caching.

Compatibility with Dreampress?

I used W3 Total Cache before, then my friend suggest me about WP Rocket.
And I have to say: "Your plugin is awesome!"
Keep up your good work!

WP Rocket appears to be an awesome plugin. Unfortunately, WP Rocket 2.10.x is not compatible with GoDaddy's WordPress Managed Hosting plan (even though your changelog says it is, starting with V2.9.9).

We contacted GoDaddy Support several times and they repeatedly confirmed that it is not compatible with their built in Varnish Cache functionality, etc.

For example, when we use WP Rocket, it breaks down (at random) several of our website pages. Symptoms: Pages don't load completely, pages appear "garbled", menu headers are out of place, etc. Yes, we tried all of your plugin tests (e.g., we selected applicable boxes, then deselected them one at a time to see if problem disappears; we used your JS and CSS tools to create exceptions, etc.) and we still have problems.

When we deactivate WP Rocket, all problems go away!

Again, we confirmed the problem is not our website, rather your plugin's compatibility with GoDaddy's WordPress Managed Hosting plan.

We would like to recommend looking into this issue and contacting GoDaddy developers and Varnish to ensure WP Rocket is not "blacklisted" by GoDaddy. They have blacklisted many other Cache Plugins in the past for similar reasons. WP Rocket appears to be next on the list.

Thank you!

I use the divi theme
This is my test home page and blog page


So Good

The best plugin. Cheer!

I have been using the latest version on my blog CyberGeak . Firstly It improved my pingdom score to 2 seconds, css and script minifications are still very good. My only issue is the browser leverage cache, all features are top notch but please can you give me a proper guideline on leveraging browser cache and reducing page size. Thanks in advance :)

GoDaddy claims your plugin is not compatible with their WordPress Managed Hosting plan. Reason: Overcaching, etc. It breaks websites using your plugin. We confirmed their statement directly. They indicated your code is no compatible with their current version of Varnish and other items. Please advise.

@OA Support & RicoSuave: Thanks for sharing. We are going to investigate what could be the issue and fix it as soon as possible.

Congrats to WP Rocket Team upon the launch of ver 2.10.5.

Is there speed improvement performance in 2.10.5 compared to 2.10.4 ?

WP Rocket has propelled my WordPress WooCommerce Online Shop into another dimension !!

Works like magic - i highly recommend this plugin to any Wordpress Project.

The best plugin. Cheer!

Before using the CSS Generator, you recommend to 'Turn Off' WP Rocket. Unfortunately, I don't see an 'On/Off' switch or an 'Enable/Disable' box for WP Rocket. Can you please explain where or how to 'Turn Off' or temporarily disabling WP Rocket? Thanks!

Always prefer to use WP Rocket Plugin. It is very helpful in SEO in 2018.

Easy Wordpress caching is a nice feature added to the rocket plugin. Have been using this plugin in my site for long and it's working fine ?

Wow. WPRocket has always been my favourite plugin. A satisfied customer.

Thanks for sharing this. Faster website improves ranking.

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