Table of Contents

We’ve been itching to release 2.5 “Kamino” for a few weeks, and it’s finally here.

By glancing at the list of new features below, you will understand why we are excited about this release!

Don’t forget, we are removing auto-update from this version so you must DISABLE it BEFORE updating.

CloudFlare Integration

We have made integrating your site with CloudFlare even easier!

We have included a one-click option to configure CloudFlare with the optimal performance settings, so you can easily get the benefits of WP Rocket and the benefits of CloudFlare.

WP Rocket CloudFlare Integration

Control Cache Options Per Page/Post

Sometimes a certain feature such as LazyLoad or minification may only cause an issue on one particular page of your site.

So instead of disabling that feature across your entire site, you can now control it with a simple checkbox available on each post/page edit screen.

This will also work on custom post types. You can control LazyLoad, Minification & CDN in this way.

WP Rocket - Cache Options Meta Box

Improvements to the CDN feature

We have made several big improvements to our CDN feature:

Improvement: Apply CDN on all images.

One of our most requested features! Previously we could only rewrite urls for images that had been added by a standard WordPress function (such as a post thumbnail). Now we are able to add all images to the CDN.

Add “Disable CDN on HTTPS pages” option.

This helps with compatibility if you have an https site but your CDN doesn’t serve files over https.

Add “Exclude files from CDN” option.

Per the request of our customers, we’ve provided a simple way to exclude files from your CDN.

WP Rocket - CDN feature

CSS & JS Minification Improvements & Additions

Add Regex to exclude CSS & JS files from minification

Beyond just adding URLs of files,  you can now exclude based on a Regex pattern – useful if you have files with dynamic names you want to exclude.

Bug Fix: Don’t add JS files in footer on excluded pages and 404 pages.

Bug Fix: Compatibility between JS minification and & GeoTrust scripts.


New: Add “Never send cache pages for these user agents” option

Bug Fix: Remove non-public taxonomy to not delete the whole caching files when a post is added/updated/deleted.

Bug Fix: Remove auto-update feature.

Bug Fix: Compatibility between LazyLoad and Jetpack from Photon.

View the full changelog

Don’t forget that if you have ideas & requests for new features you can submit them to us via a Support Ticket and we’ll include them on our Public Roadmap for other people to vote on.

Comments (25)

This is a great update. Keep up the good work.

Glad to see the new cloudflare tab :)

I am using wp-rocket, but didnt get any notification on updates in wordpress. How can I update this to 2.5.

With this release, you don't need to install the Cloudflare plugin anymore (

Which version are you using? The easiest way to have some help is to open a support ticket here : :)

@Joseph: Is it true? All Cloudflare plugin functions are combine to WP-Rocket?

@Pseric Jonathan told me about it, and I deactivated since 2.5.

@Joseph: Thanks! I'll try it on my site later. :)

this update definitely made a big difference from the previous version. great to have all images added for CDN for those of us with very image heavy sites.

This update worked for all my images with MaxCDN finally .. good job

Awesome update! Should I delete the CloudFlare plugin? And does the auto enable to optimize work with CloudFlare Pro?

very good, this plugin is amazing, thanks

@Harriet: We can't set up CloudFlare Pro options. Their API allow to only manage free options :(

@Jonathan No problem. You already gave great tech support about CloudFlare when I was setting WP Rocket! Thanks for a fast response. :-)

@Harriet, @Joseph: You should NOT delete the CloudFlare plugin, or your comments will not get the originating IP.

Thanks, @Pseric!

@Pseric: I don't understand the issue. I have lots of websites with CloudFlare and without this plugin and I don't have any issue with comments :)

I think the CloudFlare plugin--because it shows the originating IP--also corrects what shows in your website stats.

For example, before I installed it, my Awstats in Cpanel didn't show our traffic correctly because everything came from CloudFlare. Now it works again. I like having those stats to compare to Google Analytics.

Disclaimer: I'm not a techie, but I know too much and get into trouble easily. That's why I always ask now!

@Pseric - have you tested this since enabling CloudFlare via the WP Rocket settings? I have disabled the CloudFlare plugin on my personal blog and am seeing the originating IP address with comments.

@Jonathan: The CloudFlare plugin is helps WordPress to get the originating IP, or the comments only with IP address from CloudFlare. ;-)

@Harriet: Yes, absolutely correct!

@Lucy Bear: Yes, I've tested it on WordPress 4.1.1 & WP Rocket 2.5.2. I tried to disabled the CloudFlare plugin, and I can't seeing the originating IP with comments.

@Pseric: You can update to the 2.5.4. We set up the originating IP and we report spam IP to CloudFlare too :)

Hi Guys, great work !

I have a question, is it possible to add the possibility to put a loading image when using the lazy load option ? Like this, there will be always something showing before the lazy load shows the right image ?

I am using wp rocket and Cloudflare. My site bumped up in speed as soon as I implemented Cloudflare settings. It's amazing! Glad these features are available through wp rocket! Thanks...

The pre-purchase part of my site uses http whereas the transactional part uses https. The logo is hard coded as https though to make sure that it shows in both. I'm planning to use Rocket WP and Cloudflare CDN. Am I able to use the exclude files option to exclude the logo from Cloudflare?

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