Table of Contents

At WP Media (the startup behind the WP Rocket project), we’ve decided that we have absolutely nothing to hide, and so we want to share more about our insights, our success and failures.

A decision inspired by other Startups

We are really inspired by great companies like Buffer, Baremetrics and Mattermark where transparency is a company culture. They share it through several channels:

These companies have helped us greatly by sharing a lot of internal information including their monthly revenue, and more.

For example, when we we did our first recruitment, it was a new experience for us and we had absolutely no idea how to do it properly. Josh from Baremetrics wrote a long guide on his process for recruitment.

This guide helped us to set up our own process and to find answers to a lot of questions. This is how we recruited Lucy.

When you run a company you sometimes feel that you have nowhere to turn for answers to all the questions that come up.

So companies that are transparent and share everything about their revenue, business development, processes etc are like gold to us.

We Have a Lot to Share with You

In a year and a half we’ve grown from:

  • $0 to $35 000 in monthly revenue
  • 0 to +15 000 websites using WP Rocket
  • 0 to +4300 customers.

We are proud to have achieved this as a 100% bootstrapped company.

In one year we’ve learned so much. Revenue is a way for us to grow, improve WP Rocket and get bigger. But we don’t see revenue as the end goal but more as a tool to accomplish our goals.

Although we are pleased with our increasing revenue,  hiring our first new team member is the thing we are the most proud of.
At the end of the day, what really matters is what we achieved and not the money we have in our bank account.

Today it’s our turn, and we now want to share our journey including our different strategies, our revenues, and most importantly what we did to get to this point.

We invite you to follow our journey here on the blog – we will publish the first transparency post soon.

We are very excited to pursue this new direction, and to share some new, exciting stuff with you.

Comments (15)

This si a great mindset, I am so proud and impressed of everything you have done in 1 year! You deserve your success and fast growth, it's the result of making your clients success first with their websites :) congrats!

Cette démarche ne vous rendra que plus sympathique ! Un grand bravo à la WP Rocket Team pour un succès bien mérité ! Longue vie à WP Rocket et encore félicitations à vous !

This makes me excited, and WP Rocket is the best cache plugin on WordPress I ever seen! Keep going!

Hi... really impressed, and can't wait to see the next transparency post. WP Rocket rocks my site. It is not just the best WordPress caching plugin, but also the most simplest setup ever!


This is definitely the right way to go about things. I love the ethos of the company and I hope you go far.

if transparency matter then you guys should talk about the problem that happen after roll out of the auto update and just hide it after my reply

Yes, this is a great mindset. Thanks for sharing and inspiring other! I wish you all the best and I really appreciate your product :)

@knight: We send a newsletter about auto-update issue a few days ago to prevent ALL our customers ;)

Congrats guys. Keep on working hard

WP rocket is the only caching plugin required to speed up wp site. Thanks to wp-rocket

Donner d'abord pour recevoir ensuite. C'est bon pour le karma et apparemment c'est bon pour le business aussi.

Congrats Jean! Looking forward to more insightful posts.

Hey! thanks for sharing this.

And I used your plugin in my website. And It's fabulous growing up.

You are the best... caching wizards :-)

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