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Version 2.6 of WP Rocket, “Yavin” is now available to all our customers and it has some awesome new features! Our Beta Testers have already been enjoying it for a couple of weeks now.

Improved LazyLoad

We have implemented a brand new version of our LazyLoad which will work not only on images, but for videos and iframes as well. It’s also compatible with Masonry, Isotope and similar  fluid layouts which were previously incompatible.

WP Rocket LazyLoad Videos

Smarter Minification

For JS minification we are now auto-detecting whether JS should be inserted in the footer rather than the header (based on how they are enqueued), after minification, which will lead to improved performance and even less work for you 🙂

We have also added inline CSS & JS minification options to the HTML minification settings:

WP Rocket Inline Minification CSS and JS

Also related to minification, we now have an option to combine all minified CSS & JS  files into one large file respectively. By default we combine the files into small groups for better performance, but if you prefer one large file, it’s now easy to choose:

Combine Minified Files


Improved CDN Functionality

We had a lot of customers requests to be able to detect and add to the CDN images found in CSS properties, i.e.  background, background-image, @import, src:url (fonts)
We’ve now added this feature.

Smoother Support Ticket Creation

You can now submit a support ticket from inside your WordPress dashboard! No more having to copy/paste your plugins list – we can automatically fetch that information when you submit the ticket. This was another popular request from customers.

WP Rocket 2.6 - Support Ticket Creation

Those are some of the highlights in detail, but “Yavin” has even more:

  • New: Auto-exclude “login” pages from SF Move Login & WPS Hide Login.
  • Improvement: More aggressive HTML minification
  • Improvement: Purge the WP Rocket cache when the server cache is purged with SuperCacher via the admin bar link
  • Improvement: Fix lack of performance caused by MailChimp List Subscribe Form enqueued style
  • Improvement: Clear the “blog” page cache when a post is added/updated/deleted
  • Bug Fix: Don’t apply Lazyload on images which have a data-lazysrc attribute to prevent conflicts
  • Bug Fix: Don’t apply deferred JS on 404 page and on pages with a query string
  • Fix PHP Fatal error on /inc/functions/cloudflare.php on line 61.

View the full changelog

Don’t forget that if you have ideas & requests for new features you can submit them to us via a Support Ticket and we’ll include them on our Public Roadmap for other people to vote on.

Comments (14)


Thanks for this.... updated already and ready for use

Lazyloading for videos and iframes, great news !
Good job Guys!

What mean "auto-detecting whether JS should be inserted in the footer rather than the header" ?
I had to remove manual setting?

Looks awesome, can't wait to upgrade!

Fantastic - the best just got better!

@Ettore: It mean we detect all JS files which are enqueued to the footer. If you added this kind of JS files, you can remove it to the "JS files to move in the footer".

Great stuff, thank you very much for the continued development of WP Rocket

Great update! I'm glad I purchased this plugin. Simple to use and great performance.

It would be good idea, if you will add parachute to next release. My sites starting to fly :)

Great work guys and definitely loving those html, css, and JavaScript minification upgrades. Still the fastest cache plugin out-of-the-box!

Great update!

@peter We are thinking about it :)

Pour ma part, obligé de désactiver le plugin car la MAJ a entrainée plusieurs bugs ! Quel dommage... Vivement la prochaine mise à jour pour retester.

@Johnatan : Vous savez que notre support est là pour vous aider à tout moment. Si vous nous en dîtes pas plus sur vos erreurs, nous ne pourrons pas les corriger sur les prochaines versions ;)

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